ALEGRIA at Encanta La Vida - Living and Leading with Joy . . . Women's Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica . . . Jan 25 - 31

Joy and Melancholy

living your yoga Nov 18, 2024


Joy and Melancholy may seem like opposites, yet they can coexist beautifully.

I pondered their relationship as it was a stay-in-my-pajamas-all-day kind of weekend. Energy low, motivation absent, the need to do nothing was present. And so I did nothing, even as guilt and doubt arose repeatedly.

Maybe it’s the onset of winter, the shorter days, the stars in the universe, holiday season, or the insanely full schedule I created over the past two weeks.

Can you relate?

To nurture my melancholy mood, I let go of plans and floated through my daze. I walked, danced, journaled, scrolled, cooked, cleaned, stared out the window, breathed.

By simply allowing for melancholy, I was able to experience the subtle joy of nurturing my less then desirable emotional state and let it move through me.

This is the art of Living and Leading with Joy.

It doesn’t mean being happy all the time. It means being in right alignment with who and how you are in all your moments. Joy is a way of being present and curious with what is most real.

As emotional creatures, feelings continually arise and, when we let them, they dissipate. Living with Joy gives us the ability be compassionate towards our ever-changing landscape within.

Can you allow yourself to express and nurture all that is present,without pushing away or clinging to what we term as “good or bad”?

Joy keeps us connected to our divine state of being as we practice empathy for our humanness.

Have you given your emotions permission lately to be acknowledged, expressed, and released? Can you embrace joy along your ever-changing journey?

During this holiday season, allow yourself the spaciousness to be with all that is arising in you, moment by moment. Breathe, listen, feel, and acknowledge what is real.

As women, we hold many roles—sister, mother, auntie, grandmother, teacher, mentor, and friend. To show up fully in these roles, we must carve out time to nurture ourselves.

 Is it time for a reset?

Imagine transporting yourself to the exotic wilds of the jungle, where life is lush, vibrant, and fully alive. You reconnect with your essence and reclaim your vitality.

I have an amazing week planned at the end January. I'm inviting 8 women to join me for ALEGRIA at Encanta La Vida - designed to enchant your mind.  Through extraordinary practices, powerful breathwork, dynamic meditations, and soulful rituals you'll expand your heart, clear your mind, and tap into the brilliance that’s within you.

My wish is for you to drop into this magical mystery tour in one of the most biologically-diverse areas on the planet.  Let yourself be nurtured by nature in a transformational retreat that will saturate your senses with joy though all your moments.

A retreat isn’t a luxury—it’s good medicine. We all need time and space to reset our rhythms and elevate our vibration.  The Osa has a way of expanding your perspective as you slow down and sink into the magic of life as it shimmers all around you.

Take your medicine.


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