ALEGRIA at Encanta La Vida - Living and Leading with Joy . . . Women's Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica . . . Jan 25 - 31

The Reality of Duality

living your yoga Nov 07, 2024

Being a lifelong Yoga, I've often pondered how to live a non-dualistic life in a dualistic world. 

Now more than ever, I turn to my spiritual practices to give me the strength and reserve to trust in the unfolding of life in this day and age, as it is. 

I firmly believe in the freedom of choice, meaning that we chose to be here as this particular incarnation on Earth and your existence has a purpose in the swirl of it all.

You were born for these times. Will you bring forward your Light?

Emotions of all kinds are running high at this time. Have you been hijacked by differences or can you breathe deeper into a higher perspective?

Rather than fall into despair, judgement, complaint, or inertia, can you rise above this world of duality, and instead focus on unleashing your highest potential and be the peace we so need in this world?

What's truly unfolding for you at this moment?  Where are you choosing to direct your attention?  

For me, I took a long walk relishing in the glowing colors of Autumn as the Oak trees drop their acorns to feed the animals for winter and procure the re-generation of their species. Miracles abound.

Breathe in this present moment.

Your power lies in choosing where to focus your attention. You have the choice to step out of the contagion of duality and instead choose Grace.  Take action where you can, with love. 

Life unfolds in mysterious ways. Living amongst friends and family that hold opposing beliefs doesn't mean that you have to fall into the trap of conflict. Instead, be a leader of light. Notice the ways in which you can bring healing and connection. 

You are a Divine Creator of your reality.

In the midst of turmoil, how can you find your joy?  

My hope is that you will see the ways in which you can embrace the chaos and choose love.

Breathing deeply. 




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