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The Chapters of Your Life

living your yoga Jul 28, 2021

There's one thing we know for sure....
Shift Happens.  

How about you?

Has this last year (and a half) rocked your world?  Literally?

Let's send blessings to those that have suffered. Kudos to those that are growing and evolving.  

Tell me...What lessons have you learned?

What changes are you making? 

How will you live your life differently?

If you attempt to go back to "the way things were" then I believe you would be missing the point. When disaster strikes, and it surely has, it's an opportunity to make deep and lasting changes. Let this be a time to write a new chapter.  

Personally, I have been longing for change since I entered my 60's three years ago.

So far, this decade of my life has been a series of trial and error. All very fascinating and full of rewards, just not quite fulfilling the desire for a new paradigm. Probably because I have not quite figured out exactly what it is I am wanting. I've simply been following a strong pull toward an unknown chapter, writing and rewriting new versions. Can you relate?

Are you living in the mystery? Are you paying attention to what feeds your soul?

My next adventure is taking me to Costa Rica for a month to research possibilities for winter, and beyond.  

I’d love to share my magical mystery tour with you as a means to support your own "next chapter".  If you, too, are recalibrating the year ahead, I assure you that the integration of Yoga, Ayurveda and Plant Wisdom will support your journey. These ancient teachings help so much in navigating life with grace and ease, especially when we don't really know the next version. 

I'm unsure how my communications will roll out. I am simply going to allow life to unfold spontaneously as I surrender to the process of research and discovery. My plan is no plan except to follow my heart, walk through doors that open, and write this next chapter as I live it. 

What doors are opening in your life?  

Be curious. Be patient.   

As Pattabhi Jois once said,

"Do your practice and all is coming." 

Off to the land of Awes,



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