Our journey through the Yamas is teaching us to blend our human nature with our Divine nature by reflecting loving kindness and compassion for all (...
Dedicated to truth and integrity our thoughts, words and actions are uplifted.- SUTRA II.36
The yamas are teachings about how to lessen the suffering...
Embracing reverence and love for all.- Sutra II.35
Just how nice can you be? You will never know unless you consciously make choices to support this...
“Embodiment” is a standing practice requiring both strength and balance. It includes the vitamins of yoga asana. (Straddle, Warrior Two, Extended Side Angle and Triangle) Key postures that when held well for a period of...
Happy Equinox!
A day of equanimity.
The blossoming of new growth.
New awakenings.
A time of Rebirth.
This is a potent time to tap into creativity to manifest what your heart desires.
Truth be told....I'm feeling rusty at...
No matter what your age, or your flexibility ability, Yoga teaches you that...
Lately, I’ve been noticing a similar response from people when I share that I am now living with my daughter, her husband, and my new grandson.
The familiar response is “I wish my mom could live...
You know that feeling that comes with “What if….” and “ if only….”
What if I had listened better and gone to the suggested location?
If only I had walked back there after walking everywhere else.
Especially after a year of being grounded! As we slowly emerge from our Covid cocoons, here are some tips to keep you healthy, happy, and free from suffering while expanding your wings and soaring into new adventures.
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